Fall, however, brings a riot of color and some great shapes for lapidary! I don't consider myself a good stone carver, but using lapidary saws and grinders, I've managed to make a few fun cabochons to salute the season.
This pumpkin cab is about three inches across. When I first saw the slab, I fell in love with the colors that look like textures. It was only about five-eighths of an inch thick, so obviously, I couldn't go for a true rounded top. I did a slow slope up from the edges so there's no noticeable demarcation where the slope stops and the flat area begins.

To me, this cab shows the the vision and emotion of being caught in the fury of one of those storms. The gray rain and objects being thrown through the air tell the story of the incomprehensible damage these storms can create.
These colors could absolutely have made a spring garden, but the reds and golds captured my heart as does the last flash of color as the leaves in the trees turn brilliant colors before they die and fall.

I actually surprised myself and was able to do this entirely with my trim saw and grinder. I used the trim saw the make the notches, and polished the notches VERY carefully with the edges of my grinder wheels.

Finally, here's a small pine cone I made of petrified wood (it seemed appropriate 😉) the uneven but almost parallel lines looked a lot like a pine cone once I scribed the shape from a stencil. The cabochon is sitting on some redwood from my back yard, and it's pretty close in size to the cones the trees drop.
The cab is slightly browner in person, but it went red every time I tried to take its picture. Do beautiful cabs blush???
If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area or will be the weekend of Nov. 4-5, (10 am to 5 pm) don't miss the Contra Costa Mineral & Gem Society Show. It's a fantastic show and we also have great education and fun for the kids.It will be at Centre Concord, 5298 Clayton Rd, Concord, (Clayton Fair Shopping Center, about 0.2 miles northwest on Clayton from Ygnacio Valley Road) Cross street
Balhan Drive, next to Clayton Valley Bowl, free parking. Scouts and military in uniform are free! Adults are $6, but you can download or print the coupon for $1 off at https://ccmgsshowcoupon.com/
Until next time,
Your Lapidary Whisperer,